Pics from the Girls’ Trip to Belgium

The girls flew “unattended” to Belgium on June 18th and stayed with family until Joke met up with them on July 3rd. They were treated royally by everyone, had a great time with family and enjoyed a lot of quality time with their cousins!  Below are some pics of their trip.

Tante Liesbet & SebNoahSebNoahSebSeb & ElisaNeil & LiesbetRoller CoasterRoller Coaster 2Roller Coaster 3Elisa & Gabriella MeltingGabriella, Kaat and ElisaGabriella and KaatGabriella's Chocolate Mousse CakeGabriella's Chocolate Mousse Cake SparklingNoah SquirtKaat & ElisaElisa, Kaat & GabriellaLucas, Elisa, Kaat & GabriellaKaat & GabriellaGabriella & OpaElisa Riding at Opa's

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